Facebook for Business - Beginners

Tuesday, 17th September
9.30am- 12.30pm

Get started with Facebook! This course is designed for businesses that are new to Facebook and will help them understanding how to use Facebook as a marketing tool.



Facebook for Business 

How to make the best use of Facebook to grow your business!

This workshop aims to guide business owners who may/may not have taken their business online and are interested in exploring the potential of Facebook as a brand-building and marketing mechanism for their business. Participants will improve skills in targeted content creation, content distribution, engagement, optimisation, and ensuring that the overall digital marketing strategy meets with the overall business objectives.

Content Course objectives:

Within a highly interactive and collaborative workshop, you will be equipped to:

  • Set up and customise your own Facebook page 
  • Administer the page with multiple users
  • Set up your own business blog
  • Understand patterns of usage to maximise the potential of Facebook
  • Upload content to Facebook
  • Use plug-ins
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Run advertising campaigns on Facebook

Topics include:

  • Why Facebook? Is it important and should I be on it?
  • How to use it effectively as a marketing tool
  • How to set up a business page properly
  • How a great business profile page on Facebook becomes your ‘Brand’
  • Protecting your brand: how to claim your Facebook name
  • How to connect with potential customers on Facebook and develop a following
  • How to develop relevant content for your company
  • How to use Facebook Analytics to your advantage
  • Facebook Events: how to utilise them effectively
  • Case studies: review and analyse a sample of existing SMEs’ Facebook pages for effective or poor content

Please Note:
Zoom login details will be sent one or two days before the course commences. If you cannot find your login email in your normal inbox, we advise that you also check your spam/junk mail folder.

Due to the limited number of spaces available, this programme is limited to Businesses based in Kilkenny (City and County) only.
If you are from outside this region and are interested in a programme similar to what we are offering, we kindly request that you get in touch with the Local Enterprise Office in your region and they will advise if they are planning to run one.