Costing & Pricing 1 Day Workshop

Thursday 23rd January
Business Training

This one day workshop will cover factors that influence price, how to work out your cost base and what your business breakeven sales figure. We will work through preparing forecasts or financial projections as part of your business plan process.

  • Topics and Tools on the training includes:
  1. Different Principles of Pricing
  2. Factors that influence pricing – cost, competition, demand etc
  3. Different Methods of pricing
  4. Determine your breakeven figure – factor all costs into equation
  5. Set realistic plans and targets – can you sell enough product
  6. Know your market
  7. Review pricing regularly
  8. Understanding Gross Margin
  9. Tax’s – VAT & CT/Income Tax
  10. Importance of timing
  11. Manage your cashflow
  12. Selling on Credit v’s selling for Cash
  13. 2nd half of the day we will spend time using Excel Sheets to work out actual pricing models so you will need a computer/laptop to work out the pricing model for your own business. 



Participants will be given an overview of the elements, strategies & formulas for costing & pricing their products & services.