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043 3344284

Start Your Own Business

Longford Enterprise Centre, Ballinalee Road, Longford
Course takes place one night a week for 6 weeks
7pm - 9.30pm
Start Your Own Business

6 week comprehensive course outlining all you need to know starting in business

This event is no longer available

Course purpose and learning outcomes

  • Explore the legal requirements and regulations relating to starting a variety of business structures.  Choose an appropriate business structure for your business idea and deal with how to register your business and all requirements.
  • Analyse the personal, functional and business factors that contribute to business success
  • Assess the internal and external business environment relating to a new business start up
  • Explain the role and function of a realistic and coherent business plan
  • Construct a business plan
  • Assess the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the business
  • Develop a comprehensive Marketing Plan for business and understand marketing and market research
  • Conduct opportunity, feasibility and market research studies
  • Develop a clear understanding of financial reports to include profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow process.
  • Analyse revenue, costs and quality and customer service elements of the new business.
  • Prepare costing and pricing models to include overheads
  • Be aware of employment legislation, safety legislation and minimum requirements for insurance.

Module 1 - Self Assessment - Start Business Planning Process

Module 2 - Business Set Up - Taxation and Bookkeeping

Module 3 - Cash Flow and Cash Collection

Module 4 - Costing and Pricing

Module 5 - Market Research

Module 6 - Marketing for a Small Business