Age Friendly Economy


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Age Friendly Economy is an EU Erasmus +project bringing together partners in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Poland and Denmark.

As Europeans live longer and have fewer children, the proportion of elderly citizens will increase while the proportion of working-aged citizens will fall. The European Silver Economy is estimated to be worth 5.7 trillion by 2025.
There is widespread recognition of the ageing European population and as active regions already acknowledging this changing and growing market we have built an experienced project team to approach this opportunity for our regions incorporating multiple perspectives.

This project supports individuals and businesses to develop entrepreneurial, innovation and digital skills to create new products and services demanded by the silver economy. Our online community, learning resources and training events will connect you to expert knowledge and advice.

• The development of a Work Based Learning Toolkit
• The opportunity for businesses to engage in free digital skills training to build capacity and help them respond to the needs of the over 50 market
• A product Innovation Bootcamp. Companies can access a 3-stage collaboration workshop to encourage creativity and new ideas; transforming ideas to new products/ services; and commercialisation.
• Access to an online Collaborative Knowledge Exchange Platform with the aim of improving innovation and creative capacity through a virtual cluster.

For more information on the Age Friendly Economy, you may access it via the following link;

And check out the latest Newsletter - Issue 4 August 2019

Previous news letters: