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Press Releases

Local Enterprise Offices: Making a Nationwide Impact

The 2017 Local Enterprise Office Impact Report has just been published and highlights the breadth of job creation, enterprise support and training that is being delivered by Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) across the country.

New 'Prepare to Export' Scorecard launched by Enterprise Ireland

New tool from Enterprise Ireland to assess your business's export-readiness.

Mid West Taking Care of Business Event

Do you own or manage a small business? Are you thinking of starting a new business? Then this event is for you! Tues 25th September, Radisson Blu, Limerick.

Beyond Local- Why Going International Makes Sense- 4th September, Limerick

Morning workshop hosted by Local Enterprise Offices Limerick, Clare and Tipperary and Enterprise Europe Network to explore export market opportunities in Germany, France and the Nordics.

Retail Breakthrough for Food and Drink Start-Ups

Food and drink start-ups who emerged from the Food Academy to launch their produce on Super Valu shelves