
LEO DLR Group Business Information Session (Rathfarnham) 30/03/17

The free Group Business Information Session (approx. 90 mins) is specifically designed to help people who are planning to start their own business.

Evening 'Build your Business for Brexit’ Event (Dún Laoghaire): Tuesday, 28th February 2017

How will the United Kingdom's prospective withdrawal from the European Union affect your business? Assess the implications of Brexit, plan and prepare for unpredictability, take advantage of opportunities and build your Brexit Strategy. Speakers from Enterprise Ireland, Retail Excellence Ireland & A...

1/2 Day Workshop - Negotiating for a Win-Win - Wednesday 19th Apr 2017

This half day morning workshop on Negotiating in Business is taking place on Wednesday 19th April 9.00am-1.00pm in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dún Laoghaire.

Employment Law for Small Business Owners Course: Starts 19th April 2017

Learn the essentials of employment law in Ireland. Our 4 Week Course starts on Wed, 19th April. The venue is Harbour View Business Centre, Dun Laoghaire.

'Lunch & Learn' about the EU Support Programmes for Business - 10th March 2017

'Lunch & Learn' Information session: Find out how to avail of opportunities presented by two EU Business Support Initiatives - the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE). This event forms part of Local Enterprise Week 2017. Free Entry, Pre-Booking Required.