Freedom of Information - FOI

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts 1997 and 2003 were introduced to help access official information to records created after 21st October 1998.

The act gives you the legal right to:

  • access information held by public bodies
  • have official information relating to you amended where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading
  • be informed of reasons for decisions that affect them

Making an FOI request

Your request must be in writing and indicate clearly that the information is being sought under the Freedom of Information Act 1997. All requests will be acknowledged within 3 working days and decisions made within 4 weeks (20 working days) unless an extension is requested by us due to the nature of the request.

Freedom of Information Requests must be made in writing and addressed to:

Stephen Peppard

Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Affairs Department

Fingal County Council

Main Street


Office Tel. No. 01 8905162



A request of a personal nature does not require a fee, all other requests (non-personal) require a fee of €15. A reduced fee of €10 applies if you are covered by a medical card (please provide medical registration number). If you are unhappy with our decision you can request an internal review, the fee for this is €75.

Independent Review

If after an internal review you are still not satisfied with the decision you may seek an independent review, the fee for this is €150 for non-personal requests, by the Information Commissioner by contacting the following address:

By Post    Office of the Information Commissioner
                18 Lower Leeson Street
                Dublin 2

Telephone: (01) 678 5222