Terms and Conditions

The Local Enterprise Office is committed to its transparency obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our data protection notice, for personal data that is supplied to us by our clients is available at  www.localenterprise.ie/legal . This notice contains important information about how we process personal data that is supplied to us by clients. We request that you read the notice carefully and that you ensure that it is made available to any data subjects (e.g. your employees) whose personal data you provide to us.

By accepting our Terms and Conditions you confirm that: (a) you have complied with your own data protection obligations in respect of the personal data that you supply to us and that you are entitled to disclose such personal data to us; and (b) you will ensure that a copy of our data protection notice (is sent to data subjects (e.g. your employees) whose personal data you provide to us.