Local Enterprise Week 2020 (2-6 March)

Local Enterprise Week set to inspire and motivate thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners nationwide

Local Enterprise Week officially kicks-off on Monday, March 2nd with the National Enterprise Awards County Final.  Clients of Local Enterprise Office Offaly who have received funding can apply for the County Enterprise Awards.  This may include any of the following types of funding: 

  • Feasibility Study, Priming or Business Expansion Grants
  • LEO Innovation Investment Fund (LIIF)
  • Irish Best Young Entrepreneur Competition (IBYE)
  • Technical Assistance for Micro-Enterprises (TAME)
  • Completed a LEAN Programme

 There are cash prizes to be won, great publicity for your business and an opportunity to represent the County at the National Enterprise Awards Final. 

 Closing date for receipt of applications has been extended to 12 February 2020.  Full details on our website www.localenterprise.ie/offaly or contact us on 057 93 46829.

 The winners of the County Enterprise Awards will be announced at the County final on 2 March


Highlights during the week in Offaly include:

ONE Network Meeting – Keep your Eye on the Prize – Tuesday, 3rd March 6.45pm to 8pm, Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore

Guest Speaker, Blaise Brosnan will help you to identify the commercial variables in your business which you can take more control over and then he will show you how to squeeze more commercial rewards from these variables. By implementing some of his advice, you should be better equipped to get a better commercial return from your business into the future.  You will get a great return from your time investment if you actively attend this event.


6 day Digital Marketing Course – Starting Wednesday, 4th March 9.30am to 4.30pm, County Library, O’Connor Square, Tullamore

This six-day Digital Marketing course will give an indepth understanding of website marketing and social media marketing in a way that explains how it all fits together in a digital marketing plan.  This course will be delivered by Keith Feighery of Digital Insights and is designed for people in business. 

 Trading Online Voucher Mentoring Clinic – Wednesday, 4th March 9.15am to 4.45pm, LEO Offices, Offaly County Council, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road, Tullamore. 

The Local Enterprise Office in Offaly is the first-stop shop for new, existing and expanding entrepreneurs and business owners.   Book a meeting to see how the Local Enterprise Office can help you develop your online presence and sales.

 Financial Management/Brexit Mentoring clinic – Thursday, 5th March 10am to 5pm, LEO Offices, Offaly County Council, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road, Tullamore. 

One to One mentoring clinic on issues such as financial management, Brexit, business planning etc.    A great opportunity to get an outsider’s view on your business. 

 Student Enterprise Programme County Final - Thursday, 5th March, 1.30pm, Tullamore Court Hotel

The Student Enterprise Awards are open to the public who are welcome to view the stands and support our entrepreneurs of the future.  The event is open to the public at 1.30 pm with presentation of the awards at 2.00pm. 

 Food Business Start up Clinic – Thursday, 5th March, 10am to 1pm, Ferbane Food Campus, Ferbane

A Start-up or Growing Food Business can avail of mentoring with an experienced food advisor Donal Egan to help identify and overcome obstacles that may occur in their food business.  Book your session if you have an existing food business or a dream to start your own food business. 

 LEAN Lunch Anyone?  – Friday, 6th March, 1pm to 2pm, Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore

Why not join us on Friday 6th March for a working LEAN lunch and learn how the LEAN for Micro support scheme can help your business.  LEAN expert Stuart Nelson of Jigsaw SAE will explain the benefits of adopting LEAN techniques and how the LEAN for Micro scheme works.  A local company who has participated in the Lean for Micro scheme will also share their experiences of how implementing LEAN practices improved their competitiveness, reduced waste and ultimately helped grow their business.


Most of these events are free to attend.  Full details on their website and bookings can be made via www.localenterprise.ie/offaly.

 Whether you are in business or just thinking of starting out on your own, then it is worth checking out what other supports are on offer from the Local Enterprise Office Offaly.

The Local Enterprise Office Offaly can provide financial assistance to eligible businesses in the manufacturing or internationally traded services sectors. The funding can be used towards taking on staff, purchasing equipment and other business requirements.

 They also offer other supports such as the Lean for Micro business support scheme. This is designed to help local businesses become more efficient in their processes and ultimately become more competitive. This is particularly important in light of Brexit and its implications for Offaly businesses.

 For more information on how the Local Enterprise Office can help your business, call them on 057 9357480 or email info@leo.offalycoco.ie.