Benefits of Energy Eficiency in Industry Conference

Conference on the Benefits of Energy Efficiency in Industry

Limerick Institute of Technology

Wednesday, 1st of April, 2015.

This will be the largest event on Energy Efficiency in Ireland in 2015 and will include key International Speakers, case studies of best practice and workshops on Waste Heat and on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EEOS & ESOS). The conference is free with prior registration on EventBrite – please follow the link at

A wide range of organisations will be available on the day to provide advice on the various supports available to Industry for energy and resource efficiency projects. Manufacturing SMEs will also showcase their work in collaboration with the regional CleanTech and SME clusters.
The conference will be attended by Energy Professionals and Managers working with a wide range of Multinational, Medium and Small Companies. Representatives from over 100 organisations have registered to date.

The event in LIT will be an informative and practically oriented conference, also offering an excellent opportunity to network with your colleagues in the industry.

Register FREE:

To exhibit: Email:

For general enquiries: Email: