The Market Explorer Grant is open to small enterprises (with between 1 and 50 paid employees) that meet the following criteria:
- Operate as Manufacturing or eligible internationally traded services businesses and are solvent as demonstrated in the financial statements supplied and have current tax clearance from Revenue.
- Are not currently clients of Enterprise Ireland or IDA.
- Operate commercially and are established and trading for at least 12 months, registered, and carrying on activity within the area of the Local Enterprise Office.
- Have demonstrated intention to internationalise i.e.
- have completed Export Accelerator or
- similar LEO Exporter Programme or
- have developed an internationalisation plan or
- have initial small-scale exports that can be increased (suggestion is <10K).
The amount of the grant is to a maximum of €10,000 or 50% of eligible costs. Support for the Market Explorer for Business grant applies when eligible companies seek to explore either a new geographic market for an existing product/service or an existing geographic market for a new product/service.
The grant will support first time and small-scale exporters to undertake essential market research and to support the development of viable and sustainable market entry strategies in new geographic markets for businesses. The financial assistance proposed will provide support towards costs incurred in researching new market opportunities for products and services. The eligible activities supported under the Market Explorer grant can be supported under the following cost categories:
- Market Research
- In Market Consultancy
- Trade Fair Attendance
- Trade Fair Exhibition
- Overseas Travel
- Subsistence
Please contact your Local Enterprise Office for further information