Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and helps Irish companies to make the most of business and technology opportunities in the EU and other major global markets. Contact your local Enterprise Europe Network advisor as a first step to gain international success.

As the first-stop shop for enterprise, the network of Local Enterprise Offices' role is to encourage a culture of entrepreneurship in Ireland.  In partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network, Local Enterprise Offices across the country can now support SMEs in becoming more knowledgeable and competitive in global markets, leading to greater international business opportunities.

Enterprise Europe Network Member organisations include chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, research institutes and development agencies. Most of them have been supporting local businesses for a long time. They know their clients' strengths and needs - and they know Europe.

As members of the Enterprise Europe Network they are linked up through powerful databases, sharing their knowledge and sourcing technologies and business partners across all Network countries. But they are also closely linked with the European Commission, which enables them to keep abreast of EU policies and to feed small companies' views on them back to Brussels.

Services tailored to small companies.

Supporting small business is a cornerstone of the EU's drive for growth and jobs. Because 99% of all EU companies are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), accounting for 67% of jobs, what's good for SMEs is good for Europe's economy.

EEN is co-financed under “COSME” - an EU funding programme designed to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. Services are tailored to SME's but are also available to all other businesses, universities and research centres. 

Trade Missions 2024 - Expression of Interest 

Under the EEN LEO Network, EEN are currently considering sending delegations of our clients to upcoming EEN events across Europe.  Some of the upcoming EEN international events are listed below.

The upcoming events cover a range of sectors including Medtech, Biotech, Greentech, Creative, Food, & Digital Solutions across a number of European countries and the UK, and it is a fantastic opportunity to expand internationally. 

If you are interested in attending one of the below please reach out to our Export Business Advisor, Lisa Collins at lisa.collins@leo.corkcoco.ie by July end. to register an expression of interest. 

Events include:

  • CTD Match 2024 - Circular Textiles Event (Netherlands) from 18th -19th September 2024
  • Icelandic Fisheries, Seafood and Aqua Exhibition (Iceland) on 19th September 2024
  • Nordic Innovation Fair 2024 (Denmark) on 24th September 2024
  • Food Paris 2024 (France) from October 19th - October 22nd 2024
  • Food and Drink Expo (Greece) on 1st November 2024
  • Precision Fair 2024 (Netherlands) on 13th & 14th November 2024
  • BEYOND 2024 (Salford, UK) from November 25th to November 27th 2024.
  • Energy Innovation Event (UK) on 29th & 30th October 2024
  • Health Tech Summit (UK) on 7th & 8th October 2024.

Information on the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) can be found on the dedicated Irish website www.een-ireland.ie as well as the EU website http://een.ec.europa.eu/

Alternatively, To access your local EEN advisor please contact: 

