Export resources for businesses

Export Development 

Exporting might be the logical step to your business growth. The Local Enterprise Office Cork North & West are here to equip clients with the skills and resources,  to investigate, research, strategise, plan and ultimately get exporting. Wherever you are on your export journey our Export Business Advisor is here to help.

We understand, there are many challenges which come from selling overseas, from language, culture, customs, forging connections, to name but a few. Our Export Business Advisor here in Local Enterprise Office Cork North & West is here to help you navigate these challenges, and to equip you with the resources to better understand the export landscape. 

A lack of resources, planning, and detailed understanding of what is required can often limit success, ability to scale or value. 

We are offering a variety of different resources to assist in this journey  here in Cork North and West, to help put you on the right path towards exporting, from financial supports  (TAME Grant, Technical Assistance for Micro-Exporters), Export Mentoring, Export Webinars, Market Led Research, and Export development programmes. 

                                Export register your interest

Interested in Exporting? Register your interest with our Export Business Advisor 

Interested in Exporting? Not sure where to start ? Or maybe you have started but need assistance with how to successfully grow your market share or connections? Register an expression of interest with your Export Business Advisor, Lisa Collins on lisa.collins@leo.corkcoco.ie 

Our Export advisor will reach out and discuss the best resources or options available to you based on what stage of the Export journey you are at. 

Export Resources and Supports available from LEO Cork North and West 

Tame Grant


Technical Assistance for Micro Exporters’ Grants will part-fund the costs that can be incurred in investigating and researching export markets, e.g. exhibiting at Trade Fairs, preparing marketing material and developing websites specifically targeting overseas markets. 

Find out more and apply here 


Mentor panel image

The Local Enterprise Office Cork North & West are offering free Business Export and Internationalization advice slots or clinics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

To register for export mentoring please submit an application here 

Prepare for customs


Local Enterprise Offices are running ‘Prepare Your Business for Customs’ workshops throughout the year and they’re open to ALL businesses, across ALL sectors and ALL industries.                                                                                                                    

See next available Customs Workshops here Online Bookings

Over 10s Supports


LEO financial supports are available to Manufacturing and Internationally Traded Services Business employing more than 10 and less than 50 full time employees with international ambition.

If you have an over 10s business, read further on over 10s eligibility and Register and expressions of Interest for Internationalisation here


Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for SMEs and helps Irish companies to make the most of business and technology opportunities in the EU and other major global markets.

Contact your Local Enterprise Office Export Advisor as a first step and to find out more. Read more about EEN here                               

Export to Northern Ireland

Export NI

InterTradeIreland has been helping small businesses in Ireland and Northern Ireland explore new cross-border markets, develop new products, processes and services and become investor ready for over two decades.  

Interested in exploring export to Northern Ireland? Find out more here