Grow with Aldi 2020

The Hive, Carrick on Shannon
2pm to 4pm

This event is no longer available

Avelina Hughes and Michelle Allen from Aldi Ireland will facilitate this information session where any questions regarding the Grow with Aldi programme will be answered

Aldi are looking for all small Irish food producers to come forward and see what they can achieve with the Grow with Aldi programme. Aldi is offering suppliers an opportunity to win a specialbuy slot with them in 2020, the opportunity could possibly lead to a 12 month contract should their product be one of the top 5 selling lines on their specialbuy programme. It is open to all product suggestions, once they are Irish produced.

Timelines for the programme are as follows 

Mid-January: Applications open (if you are interested in applying just phone or pop me a mail and we will touch base with you as soon as application open)

Mid-February: Aldi hold an immersion day where the producer gets the unique opportunity to sit with one of our buying director to tell them their story.

Mid-February: Aldi touch base with all successful & unsuccessful applicants

Early March: Aldi Grow Mentor programme commences (this is a continuous process right up to and after the product launches as a specialbuy)

Mid-March: Bord Bia Mentor programme commences

End May: Specialbuy Launch - Supplier product goes on sale (supplier must be able to produce a minimum of a case of product per store (there will be approximately 145 stores by Summer 2020)

June: Feedback to all suppliers as to how their product sold - and where to go from here.

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