Feasibility/Innovation Grants are designed to assist the promoter with researching market demand for a new product or service and examining it’s sustainability.
It includes assistance with innovation including specific consultancy requirements, private specialists, design, and prototype development.
The maximum Feasibility / Innovation Grant payable must not exceed 60% of the investment or €15,000 whichever is the lesser. Expenditure may be considered under the following headings:
- Innovation Costs. Costs under this category may include prototype development, innovative design and research costs.
Own Labour Research. Costs under this category may include own labour involved in carrying out research / prototype development. The maximum amount chargeable under this category is €400 per week subject to the overall maximum under this category not exceeding 20% of the overall grant drawdown.
Consultancy Costs. These may include design fees, architect and legal fees.
Miscellaneous Costs. This may include telephone costs, mileage costs at €0.26 per kilometre, subsistence & overnight costs, air travel etc. The overall maximum drawdown in this category should not exceed 20% of the overall grant level.
(Note payments to state bodies including local authorities are excluded).
If you are interested in applying for this grant we would ask you to please complete the Grant Expression of Interest form.
Your completed Grant Expression of Interest Application Form will be reviewed and a member of our team will be in touch within 10 working days to advise if you are eligible to apply for grant funding.