Enterprise Ireland "Exporting - A Business Journey" 13th May

If exporting is on your business agenda, you can learn from the story of Athlone Extrusions Ltd, told by its Commercial Director Jackie Browne.

This is a one-off master class in exporting that takes place from 09.00 to 12.30 on Tuesday, 13th May 2014 at The Radisson Blu Hotel, Athlone

Order of Business

09:00 Registration and Tea/Coffee

09.30 Welcome and Introduction
Michael Brougham, Midlands Regional Director, Enterprise Ireland

09:40 Session 1 – The Business Story of Athlone Extrusions Ltd, from Jackie Browne, Commercial Director

Hosted by business mentor John Lennon, this session will take the form of an interactive conversation with Jackie Browne, about the company’s journey to becoming a supplier of bespoke thermo plastic sheeting to multiple industries in over 50 countries on 3 continents.

With emphasis on audience participation, the conversation will explore the pros and cons of the “How to” of exporting from the preparation, planning and execution of how to find new customers overseas and assess the risks and rewards from growing a business through exporting.

Followed by Q & A

11.00 Tea/Coffee

11.15 Session 2 – “Get Export Ready” – The Enterprise Ireland offer.
David Byrne, Manager, Potential Exporters Division, Enterprise Ireland
This session walks participants through the Enterprise Ireland programmes that support new and early stage exporters. It will cover the range of information, training, and financial products EI has available to new and early stage exporters.
The session will also look at the on-line export “Health Check” tool, designed to enable a company to assess its business readiness for exporting.
12.00 Christine Charlton, CEO, of Westmeath Local Enterprise Office
Christine will outline the suite of supports available from the Local Enterprise Offices, to drive the development of small business. Followed by Q&A


If this is for you,- register here without delay: http://www.enterprise-ireland.com/en/events/ourevents/export-workshops/export-awareness-athlone-13th-may-2014.html

If you have any queries in relation to the workshop please contact Rena Cushion – rena.cushion@enterprise-ireland.com