Invitation to Tender: Digital Marketing Programme

Tender Specification for supply of a Digital Marketing Training Course 2014

Tenders are invited for the delivery of a Digital Marketing training programme on behalf Local Enterprise Office Offaly (LEO Offaly).

The closing date for receipt of proposals is 5 pm Monday 25th August 2014.  Tenders received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Tenders shall be submitted via using the following format:

  • Name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address of tenderer.
  • Profiles of the company/trainer with details of relevant experience in the development and delivery of programmes to small and medium enterprises.
  • Details of formal accreditation for delivery of training.
  • Outline of course content
  • Tenderers shall provide a copy of the course content with the tender documents
  • Details of course accreditation if any shall be specified
  • The proposed time-frame for delivery, and tender validity period.
  • The fixed price cost of the contract in Euro, to include VAT (where applicable)
  • Names of referees for whom previous similar work has been undertaken.
  • References in respect of previous contracts may be sought from tenderers.
  • Details of the personnel to be devoted to the programme delivery
    • For each member of the delivery team list: name, organisation, role and hours assigned.
    • Attach a CV showing relevant expertise and experience of each member of the delivery team.
  • Other resources, if any, to be applied.

Course Outline

It is proposed to run a 6 full day Digital Marketing training programme in the new Offaly Innovation Centre.  It should focus on the planning, implementation and measurement of the business’ Digital Marketing strategy.


Modules should cover the following areas:

  • Module 1: Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Module 2: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Module 3: Affiliate Marketing
  • Module 4: Email Marketing
  • Module 5: Digital Display Advertising
  • Module 6: Pay Per Click
  • Module 7: Social Media Marketing (Part 1)
  • Module 8: Social Media Marketing (Part 2)
  • Module 9: Mobile Marketing
  • Module 10 – Content Marketing
  • Module 11: Google Analytics
  • Module 12: Strategy & Planning


Please note a certified programme is strongly desirable. Students would typically be required to complete a written assignment outlining a Digital Marketing plan for their business. This assignment would be graded and evaluated by expert professionals, providing valuable assessment of the effectiveness of the Digital Marketing strategy.


By completing the assignment, they will have transferred the knowledge learned on the course to deliver practical and immediate benefits for their business.


General Details

Costs of Programme Delivery The costs for programmes shall be a fixed sum, to include costs of delivery, printing, materials, travel and other expenses.  Certification costs should be detailed separate if applicable. LEO Offaly shall not be liable for any costs incurred in the preparation of tenders.

Participant Numbers on Programmes Please state if participant numbers will be restricted and specify the maximum number.

Tax Clearance Certificate Before a contract is awarded, the successful tenderer will be required to produce a current valid Tax Clearance Certificate, and if the Certificate should expire within the course of the contract, a new certificate will be required. A successful non-resident tenderer will be required to produce a Statement of Suitability from the Irish Revenue Commissioners. All payments under the contract will be conditional on the tenderer being in possession of a valid certificate at all times.

Evaluation of tenders The successful applicant will be determined on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender, following an evaluation process by LEO Offaly, on the basis of the following criteria (weights in brackets):

  • Comprehensiveness and quality of the programme to address the needs of LEO Offaly clients (50%)
  • Value for money (25%)
  • Experience of course tutors in programme delivery (25%)

LEO Offaly may not accept the lowest, or any, tender. LEO Offaly may decide, following evaluation of tenders, not to proceed or to proceed with a limited number of elements.

Conflict of Interest Any registrable interest involving the contractor and LEO OFFALY, its staff or their relatives must be fully disclosed in the response to this Invitation to Tender, or should be communicated to LEO OFFALY immediately upon such information becoming known to the contractor. In any case, such information must be made available prior to the award of the contract. The terms “registrable interest” and “relative” shall be interpreted as per Section 2 of the Ethics in Public Office Act, 1995. Failure to disclose an interest may disqualify a tenderer or invalidate an award of contract, depending on when the conflict of interest comes to light.

Any other conflicts of interest which arise must also be fully disclosed to LEO OFFALY.