ONE Network Meeting 19th October

This month's talk at the ONE Network meeting is "Marketing for SMEs & Your Elevator Pitch". The presentation will be given by ONE Network member Emily Mahon of MentorUs Business Services.

The presentation will cover:

Elevator Pitch

Have you ever been in the situation where you meet a new potential customer and they ask you for a description about yourself and your business?   The elevator pitch is key information about your business delivered in a short amount of time, usually no more than 60 seconds.  The information should be memorable and impression and better than your competitors.  The presentation will focus on perfecting your Elevator Pitch.

Marketing for SME's

  • Simple and easy to implement ideas and marketing strategies
  • Marketing tips and tactics specially for small businesses
  • What is your Service/Product
  • Branding
  • Understanding your target market
  • Knowing your competitors & how to be better than them
  • How to promote your business for free

Date:               Monday, 19th October 2015

Venue:            Bridge House Hotel, Tullamore (Millennium Room 1)

Registration:  6.45 pm

Time:              7 pm sharp—9 pm

Booking:        No Charge. Pre-booking essential. Please email to book your place.