ONE Network Meeting 20th October: Networking & Planning

What is networking?

Networking is meeting and mixing with other business owners/managers.  It gives business people an opportunity to develop new contacts and to promote their own business.  It also provides a support for owner/managers who may work alone – networking provides a forum for sharing of information.

Who should network?

We all should network - be it to promote ourselves or our product!  Attending network meetings gives you the opportunity to promote your business to 40+ people at no cost!

At this session we will develop our networking skills and plan for the future of the network. This is your opportunity to tell us what you want, how you see the O.N.E. network developing and where the O.N.E. network fits into the growth of your business in 2015 and beyond.

Date:                         Monday, 20th October 2014
Venue:                      Bridge House Hotel, Tullamore
Registration:           6.45 pm
Time:                        7 pm sharp—9 pm
Booking:                  No Charge. Pre-booking essential. Phone us on 057 93 54780 or email