Start Your Own Business - FREE


  1. Provide information to enable the participant to prepare a relevant Business Plan.
  2. Provide a template for the participant to prepare the Projections and figures required.
  3. Outline Revenue requirements for the self-employed, detailed as follows:
  • How to register for income tax – templates provided so they can calculate their 
  • How to register for VAT.
  • Explain VAT - how it works, when one should register for VAT, advantages and Tax, PRSI and USC on a monthly basis. disadvantages of VAT registration.

4. Teach the participants how to prepare the necessary records which have to be maintained, ie purchases book, sales book, cash book and cheques journal.

5. Explain the legal obstacles which have to be overcome, ie registration of business name, how to trade – sole trader, partnership or limited company.  Different types of insurance a business may require.

6. Inform the participant about employing people for the first time.  Go through the necessary steps, explain the forms, supply sample employment contract, and the step by step approach they must be following, ie register as employer, employer’s liability insurance, completion of application for tax credits, the legal requirements of having a Health and Safety Statement, etc.

7. How to price a product or service.

After completing the course, the participants should be well equipped to deal with all the relevant issues that they are likely to encounter.