Fingal Enterprising Women's Networking Event - Wednesday 22nd April 2020


Minding your own Business (using your mind)

FEWN Online Networking Event Margaret Hoctor

During this time of self-isolation and social distancing, there has never been a bigger need to maintain and expand your business support network. The Fingal Enterprising Women Network (FEWN) provides a great opportunity for female entrepreneurs to keep in touch, share ideas and support each other.

So, LEO Fingal is delighted to announce that FEWN is moving online! We will be hosting our first virtual networking event, featuring inspirational business woman and speaker Margaret Hoctor, on Wednesday 22nd April from 11:00 - 12:00 (on the Zoom platform). During this online networking event, you will have the opportunity to talk together as well hear our excellent speaker.

Margaret is an inspirational business woman and is no stranger to adversity having been made redundant from a Senior Director role. It was this event that led Margaret to take a good hard look at what she could do, rather than what she couldn’t, which was when she decided to build the family’s farming business together with her husband. 

Seven years on, Kilmullen Farm has become a thriving business with a diverse product & service base ranging from Wicklow lamb to Sweetcorn & Apple Juice, as well as a Horse Livery Business.

The lessons Margaret learned from her experience 7 years ago have yet again come into play as she, like many businesses, consider how to pivot her business in the face of the adversity that is Covid-19. Margaret believes that our most important asset when it comes to tackling a challenge is our mindset.

As a qualified Trainer & Coach, Margaret shares her learnings, wisdom & personal experience in a way that is honest & heart-warming, with a refreshing down-to-earth humour.

In her talk entitled: “Minding your own Business (using your mind)”, Margaret will share why our mindset is what matters most when it comes to self-belief, expansion and growth. She will share what to expect in a pivot and what techniques she uses in her day to keep focused and upbeat.

Places are free of charge to Fingal based businesses and you can book your place using the link below. As places are strictly limited please only book if you are certain that you will take up your place!

We look forward to seeing you there.

Best Regards,

The LEO Fingal Team