Today, Thursday 17th January, Heather Humphreys T.D., Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation together with Pat Breen T.D., Minister for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, launched the search for Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneurs (IBYE) 2019.
Buyers from 26 countries set to visit Showcase
“The Local Enterprise Showcase at Showcase opens up a whole world of opportunity for our Local Enterprise Office clients,” Kieran Comerford, Local Enterprise Offices
Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo® returns to the RDS, Dublin from Sunday, 20th to ...
Ireland’s largest second level business programme for students, the Student Enterprise Programme, an initiative of the Local Enterprise Offices, was launched today by Pat Breen, T.D., Minister for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection
€1.6 million fund which will be delivered over two years; 2018 – 2020, is now open for applications.
Over 80 Local Enterprise Office clients will exhibit their products in the Local Enterprise Showcase at Showcase – Ireland’s International Creative Expo in the RDS in January 2019, where they will have the opportunity to meet with buyers from across the world.