Lunch and Learn Training - Webinar Series.1

Lunch & Learn

HR: managing & motivating your staff

V1 Lunch And Learn SQUARE Week 1.

Ensuring you have a proactive HR plan for your people during the COVID-19 crisis is critical to ensure you maximise productivity, morale and business continuity. 

In this video, Greg Fry interview Caroline McEnery of The HR Suite who has lots of top tips for employers around legal obligations, retention Planning, manpower and productivity management, remote working as well as planning return to work in line with your business strategy.

How Local Enterprise Offices can help your Business

 Lunch And Learn Instream Week 2

Local Enterprise Offices have a whole range of supports to help your business respond to the current crisis.

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Oisín Geoghegan and Orla Martin of the Local Enterprise Offices, to find out more about the Business Continuity Voucher, COVID-19 mentoring, Microfinance Ireland loans, online training and the expanded Trading Online Voucher Scheme

Managing cashflow during & after the crisis

Apr 30 Lunch And Learn SQUARE Blaise Brosnan and Padriac McElwee.jpg

Cashflow is the lifeblood of any business, especially during and after a crisis

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Blaise Brosnan (a Management Development Trainer with MRI Wexford) and Padraic McElwee (Local Enterprise Offices) to discuss cashflow, preserving working capital, what the ‘twilight’ period is and how to strategically position your business over the next three years.

HR: managing & motivating your staff

Ensuring you have a proactive HR plan for your people during the COVID-19 crisis is critical to ensure you maximise productivity, morale and business continuity. 

In this video, Greg Fry interview Caroline McEnery of The HR Suite who has lots of top tips for employers around legal obligations, retention Planning, manpower and productivity management, remote working as well as planning return to work in line with your business strategy.

How Local Enterprise Offices can help your business

Local Enterprise Offices have a whole range of supports to help your business respond to the current crisis.

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Oisín Geoghegan and Orla Martin of the Local Enterprise Offices, to find out more about the Business Continuity Voucher, COVID-19 mentoring, Microfinance Ireland loans, online training and the expanded Trading Online Voucher Scheme

Managing cashflow during & after the crisis

Cashflow is the lifeblood of any business, especially during and after a crisis

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Blaise Brosnan (a Management Development Trainer with MRI Wexford) and Padraic McElwee (Local Enterprise Offices) to discuss cashflow, preserving working capital, what the ‘twilight’ period is and how to strategically position your business over the next three years.

Doing Business online and supports to help

Want to do more business online? What do you need to have in place and what supports can help you?

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Keith Feighrey (Digital Insights) and Marcella Rudden (Local Enterprise Offices) to run through the website checklist - from website speeds to being more mobile friendly and from having great compressed imagery to writing engaging content, optimised for search.

PLUS - learn more about the Trading Online Voucher Scheme from the Local Enterprise Offices, which can help businesses (with up to 10 employees) achieve more online.

Returning to the Workplace Safely

As part of the roadmap for reopening society and business, returning to the workplace safely is a key priority for all businesses. So, what can you do now to prepare?

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Paul Turner 
(National Standards Authority of Ireland) to 
take us through the Workplace Protection and Improvement Guide and the Retail Protection and Improvement Guide. Greg also speaks with Kevin Curran (Local Enterprise Offices) to discuss the types of supports available for businesses.

Innovate to adapt your business in 2020

To adapt, small businesses must continue to innovate but what innovation supports can help? 

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Joe Madden (Enterprise Ireland) who explains how small businesses can successfully innovate, along with the supports that are available, such as the Agile Innovation Fund and the Innovation Voucher.  

Greg also speaks with Breda Fox (Local Enterprise Offices) about the Feasibility Study Grant and Brendan McGrath of Merris Engineering in Galway, who successfully applied to the Agile Innovation Fund to help build a new prototype.

Help for Starting Your Own Business

When one door closes, another one opens - so starting up a new business could become a viable option for many in 2020.

But how do you get started and what are the common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid?  What supports are out there from training to mentoring to funding?

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Noel Davidson (Entrepreneurs Academy) about what steps to take when planning or starting your own business.

The Restart Grant from your Local Authority

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Michael Walsh (County and City Management Association) to explain how businesses that pay commercial rates can apply for the new Restart Grant, through Local Authorities.

Greg also speaks with Oisín Geoghegan (Chair of the network of 
Local Enterprise Offices) about the supports that are available for small businesses through the Local Enterprise Offices, such as loans, grants, training and mentoring.

Plus, two Enterprise Ireland supports – the Sustaining Enterprising Fund for Small Business and the Business 
Financial Planning Grant – are also highlighted for manufacturing companies or internationally-traded services companies that employ more than 10 people

Supports for Food & Drink Producers

On the menu….for those thinking of starting a new food or drink business, or those looking for opportunities to grow an existing one, what programmes and supports can help get their business to the next level?

In this video, we’ve got plenty of food for thought from the industry experts as Greg Fry interviews James Burke (James Burke & Associates), Jo Davey (Absolute Nutrition) and Tomás Hayes (Local Enterprise Office).

Plus, find out more about the Food Academy Programme, which is run by the Local Enterprise Offices, SuperValu and Bord Bia.

Health, Safety & HR: Supports for Re-Opening

As we move towards the end of the Recovery Roadmap, what steps should business owners take to ensure that their teams can return to work safely? And from a HR perspective, how can we help employees adapt to the new work environment?

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Joanne Harmon (Health & Safety Authority), Alan Hickey (Peninsula HR) and Michael Tunney (Local Enterprise Office) to get their expert advice.

Plus, find out what helpful year-round supports are available from the Health & Safety Authority and the Local Enterprise Offices.

Financial Supports for Small Businesses, Start-Ups & Sole Traders

Show me the money….for businesses who are looking to reopen their doors or entrepreneurs who want to start up, this webinar looks at all the information you need to know on the Financial Supports available to you.

In this video, Greg Fry chats to Siobhan Lawlor (Department of Employment Affairs and Social Enterprise) and Elaine Moyles (Local Enterprise Office) to discuss the wide range of financial supports available to employers and budding entrepreneurs in the small business sector. This includes information on Welfare supports available through Intreo along with the grants and funding available through your Local Enterprise Office to start and grow your small business.

Learn how to sell: steps to winning more sales

Sales will always be the lifeblood of every business, so why not step out of your comfort zone and learn how to change your mindset and message to win more sales for your business?

In this video, Greg Fry interviews Sean Weafer ( International Sales Communications Coach), Jo Browne (Jo Browne in Carlow) and Marcella Rudden of the Local Enterprise Offices, finding out how to identify and solve problems for your clients by connecting, influencing and engaging with them.

Plus, find out what key supports are available from the Local Enterprise Offices to help you along the way.

Go Online & Sell Online

Staying at home and working from home have changed our online habits for good. There has been a surge in web traffic and ecommerce sales, as customers and potential customers search for goods and services to buy online in record numbers.

In this video, Greg Fry finds out how to get your business online to sell online, with insights and advice from Noel Davidson (Entrepreneurs Academy), Aisling Flanagan (Velvet Cloud in Mayo) and Paul McGuirk (Local Enterprise Office Cork City).

Watch the next Lunch & Learn webinar live at