Finding & Winning Tenders 21.06.23

21st June
6.00pm - 9.00pm

Learn how to use the new e-tenders platform so your small business can find and win tenders for public works.

This event is no longer available


  • Venue - Online
  • Date: Wednesday 21st June
  • Time: 6pm to 9pm

Public procurement in Ireland is estimated to be worth €17 billion annually across a wide range of sectors, products and services.

The national tendering platform, eTenders, changed on 15 May 2023 with new competitions published on the platform from 22 May. If you are an existing user you see how to re-input your details, as well as add additional details and activate your account on the new platform.

If you are new to tendering you will learn how to:

  • Register for applicable tenders and receive alerts when a tender is published.
  • For all users we will provide training on:
  • How to read a tender and break it down into its relevant parts.
  • Developing a winning tender for those that best suit your business.
  • How tenders are assessed and ensuring your tender meets those requirements.
  • Compiling your bid, understanding best practice, and we will provide tips and pointers on how to write an effective tender.


Following this workshop you will have a framework to allow you make bids straight away.

Find a step-by-step guide to the new platform on this workshop being held on Wednesday 21st June from 6 to 9pm.