#RestartFingal Webinars Series - June 2020
As part of the drive to Restart Fingal, June saw a hugely dynamic four-part series of online webinars hosted by some of Ireland’s leading training experts. The “Restart Fingal” Webinar Series was designed to equip business owners with the critical skills required to build confidence and resilience ahead of the Phase 3 reopening of businesses.
Episode 1 - Sean Weafer: “Stop Hesitating; Start Selling”
Learn how to make the new dynamics of sales influence work for your business - without ever being seen as “pushy” or “salesy” by your clients.
Episode 2 - Damien O'Brien: "Get the business you want, not the business you think you want"
Learn how you can build, or re-build, a business that matches your needs & ambitions in a way that is both sustainable and scaleable.
Episode 3 - Noel Davidson: "Transform your Business with a Powerful Online Presence"
Learn how to connect with the right customers for your business and how to do it in a way that encourages and entices them to do business with you.
Episode 4 - Susan HayesCulleton
Learn how to build resilience, manage your money better, find the funding to move forward, and weave all the strands of the past #RestartFingal sessions together,