LEO Fingal has reported an increase in enquiries from small businesses that are planning an investment in their online sales platform. This is just ahead of their deadline for the third quarter call for applications approaches, this Friday 28th September.
The latest seminar outlining the scheme was held on 7th September in the Riasc Centre and attracted over 50 Fingal businesses, each of whom attended to learn key tips about how they can increase online sales as well as how to apply for the €2,500 grant.
The TOV scheme was created by the Local Enterprise Offices to help small businesses develop their e-commerce website or digital marketing strategy by availing of vouchers of up to €2,500 or 50% of eligible expenditure. In order to apply for a Trading Online Voucher, it is necessary to first attend an information seminar, at which E-Commerce expert Noel Davidson gives valuable advice on how to develop your E-Commerce platform and grow online sales.
For those that missed the last seminar, another will take place on the 26th November 2018 at the Riasc Centre, Feltrim Road Swords. This will be the 4th quarterly call for applications under this scheme.
In the meantime, anyone who has previously attended one of the seminars can apply before the deadline Friday 28th September for the third quarterly call!