What is the Dublin Food Chain Network?

Dublin Food Chain is a collaborative initiative of the Irish Exporters Association and the four Dublin Local Enterprise Offices. Ultimately, the goal of the Dublin Food Chain is to help the county nurture its enviable status as an iconic food brand - ensuring that Co. Dublin's unique food heritage benefits from the attention it deserves.
Throughout the county, a diverse selection of crucial food training and food marketing initiatives are underway. Now, through the Dublin Food Chain brand, these programmes can enjoy better linkages and cross-promotion. Whether, it is through training, networking or collective marketing, our key aim is to work together towards promoting and expanding our valuable food sector.
With the support of local consumers, trade buyers and food producers (combined with sponsorship and support from Bord Bia, A.I.B. ), we endeavour to continuously encourage the flourishing Co. Dublin food sector.
For more information and to join the Dublin Food Chain Network:
Email: info@dublinfoodchain.ie
Newsletter: http://www.dublinfoodchain.ie/news/
Find full up-to-date information on Dublin Food Chain website.