Press Releases

Display Stands at National Ploughing Championships & Tullamore Show

Calls for Expressions of Interest - Closing Date 29th April.

Most Enterprising Student Awards & Exhibition 14th April

Primary School children from across the county will be recognised for their entrepreneurial talents at an awards ceremony on Thursday 14th April next in the Tullamore Court Hotel. Displays open to the public from 11 am. Awards take place at 11.30 am.

Teenage entrepreneurs going to Croke Park National Final announced

Colaiste Choilm and Gallen Community School scoops top awards!

ONE Network Meeting 18th April

Demystifying Public Procurement & eTenders. Speaker: Gabriel Conlon, Offaly County Council.

ONE Network Meeting 21st March

Topic: Making the Most of LinkedIn. Speaker: Caitriona Montgomery, Aspire Online Services