Press Releases

‘Local Enterprise Village’ Plans Launched for Ploughing

Local business ready to ‘plough ahead’ thanks to Local Enterprise Offices

Government launches Midlands Action Plan for Jobs, part of €250million regional jobs strategy

Successful delivery of plan would see 14,000 extra jobs created in the region – Minister Bruton

New €10million competitive fund to support more start-ups in every county of the country

The 31 Local Enterprise Offices and other public, private and community organisations that support the job-creation are being invited to bid for funding to create new collaborative projects that will unleash the jobs potential in their locality.

Regional Competitive Start Fund Open

A call for applications for start-ups based outside of County Dublin for those active in the Manufacturing & Internationally Traded Services sectors including the following subsectors: Internet, Games, Apps, Mobile, SaaS, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Software, Lifesciences, Food, Cleantech and Indust...

ONE Network Meeting 22 June

Talk on "Building Resilience", Mick Row, ACTNow