Business Waste Management

The Business Guide to Wise Waste Management aims to provide practical information and contacts to assist businesses to improve management of their various waste streams and to reduce the amount of waste being created. 

WEEE Registration Scheme

ERP (European Recycling Platform) are responsible for electrical and electronic waste (WEEE) collection and recycling in Westmeath.

Packaging Waste

The Waste Management Packaging Regulations were introduced to assist Ireland achieve national packaging recovery targets. A 60% recovery targets is now set for all packaging waste by December 2011.

The Regulations place obligations on companies (Producers) that place packaging, packaging material or packaged products on the Irish market. They must segregate their packaging waste arising on site into specified waste streams and ensure that it is recycled or recovered.

Producers with a turnover of €1m that place 10 tonnes of packaging on to the market (Major Producer) are further obligated to either join Repak or register with their Local Authority (Self Comply). For a list of REPAK members click .

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