Latest News

LEO Impact Report 2017

First annual report of the impacts of the Local Enterprise Office

Fingal Enterprising Women Network Host Summer BBQ Evening

The Fingal Enterprising Women Network Summer Event took place on Thursday, June 28th at the Waterside Hotel, Donabate.

€300 million Brexit Loan Scheme for small business

€300 million Brexit Loan Scheme for small business

€300 million Brexit Loan Scheme: open for applications

Eligible businesses can now apply for the €300 million Brexit Loan Scheme – click here to download a copy of the Information Pack.

Dublin Peer Learning Event 6th June 2018

Following the successful format change at our recent Dublin Food Chain event where we had expert contributors in the room and with most of the learnings coming from the participants who contributed their tips and advice, based on their own journey, we are using a similar format again.