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Cyber Security

I.T. Training

Have you recently received a trading online voucher? Now may be a good time to attend our half day workshop on cyber security for small businesses.

This event is no longer available

There are three separate modules in this workshop.

Module 1 - Scams and Malware

This module will provide an in-depth look at the various email scam and social engineering tricks that
criminals use to compromise their victims, and how organisations and their staff can avoid falling
victim to them. We will also provide an overview of malicious software (AKA malware) and in
particular how to handle ransomware.

Module 2 - Passwords, mobile and online safety.

With the increase in organisations adopting mobile and web platforms in order to conduct business,
having an understanding of how to use these devices securely is crucial. In this module attendees will
learn simple and effective password and authentication practices they can introduce into their
workplace. We will also explain how to use mobile devices and Social Media securely to grow your

Module 3 - Securing your IT and handling a cyber incident.

In this module, we will walk through good practices all organisations can easily implement to
effectively secure your IT assets (Backups, Updates and Wi-Fi setups). Our trainer will also discuss
how organisations can effectively deal with a cyber security incident, what steps they need to take
and the benefits of having an incident response plan prepared.