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Managing my Social Media Networks

Council Chamber, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo
Social Media

Do you have a business presence on a number of Social Media networks? Managing multiple networks can be a time-consuming, expensive pursuit. This half-day Workshop will assist you to manage multiple Social Media networks in an effective, timely & efficient manner.

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Managing your Social Media Networks

The Workshop will ensure that participants receive a thorough overview of the various tools available to manage social media networks and content. This will enable participants to analyse their Social Media performance & use insights gained to know their customers better & ultimately improve their marketing strategy.

NOTE: Participants must bring their own laptops/tablets with them to the venue, where they can work over open wi-fi.

A number of topics will be addressed during the course of the Workshop, including:

  • Importance of managing your own online reputation
  • How to create an effective Social Media strategy
  • Introduction to Hootsuite
  • Introduction to Tweetdeck
  • Using Hootsuite/Tweetdeck to manage your Social Media strategy
  • Mobile Apps for managing your Social Media networks
  • How to choose the right Social Media management option for your business