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SO2402 Strategic Planning

05.09,12/09, 19/09, 26/09
Business Training

This programme will highlight the positive impact a strategic plan can have on your business and equip you with the skills and structure to develop one via group training and an individual training session with the Trainer.

This event is no longer available

Have you been in business for 12 months or more? Ever feel like you're focussed on one deadline or target after another and running to stand still?

The most important thing in business planning is knowing that a business changes. Work on your business rather than in your business by developing a strategic plan for it! 

Course Content:

  • Strategic Planning - what it actually is and why it is so important
  • How to take an objective look at your business and review where it is currently at
  • Helping you understand the implications that decisions you are currently making will have on the future of your business
  • Help you to clarify your business goals and plan for future events, pitfalls and opportunities
  • Help you to determine your businesses capability to achieve your goals


Outcome: This programme will highlight the positive impact a strategic plan can have on your business and equip you with the skills and structure to develop one via group training and an individual training session with the Trainer.


Dates: 05/09, 12/09, 19/09, 26/09

Times: 16:00 – 18:00, followed by one-to-one session for your business with the trainer