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Social Media 1-1 Clinics

Meeting Room 3, Floor 1, City Hall, Quay St., Sligo
March 9th & 10th. Each session of 1 hours' duration.
Social Media

Using Social Media to promote your business, but unsure of how to maximise its potential? Book a 1 hour, 1-1 session with an expert to make your Social Media work harder for you!

This event is no longer available

Social Media 1-1 ClinicsLEW2017_LOGO_COL

The whole marketing landscape has changed with the introduction of social media. Local Enterprise Office Sligo are offering you the opportunity to book a one-on-one slot with an industry expert who will work with you on an individual basis to examine your current Social Media marketing activities and will help you formulate an effective Social Media marketing strategy.

This clinic can prove very beneficial to those starting out in business who need advice on where to start or for those currently in business who need to review and improve their Social Media marketing activities.

When you book a place, LEO Sligo will assign you a day and time. Each 1-1 slot will be one hour in duration.The Social Media trainer will be in contact with you in advance to find out more about your business and how it is using Social Media in advance of your 1-1 session.