The Waterford business community enjoyed and engaged in a large number of innovative business events throughout Waterford City and County during Local Enterprise Week, from March 6th to 10th.
The fifteen events across five days, compiled by Local Enterprise Office Waterford, drew hundreds of participants. Designed for pre-start, start-up and established businesses looking to grow, the programme focused on the issues that significantly impact enterprise in 2023.
Local Enterprise Week Waterford kicked off its jam-packed programme on Monday, March 6th with a free interactive session to learn more about how Digital and Lean solutions can help businesses work smarter.
International Women's Day was celebrated across two locations. “The Business of Wellness” in conjunction with Dungarvan and West Waterford Chamber took place in the Tannery Cookery School in Dungarvan while a Networking Breakfast event with Waterford Chamber took place in the Viking Hotel, Waterford city.
The biggest events of the week were, Tuesday’s Student Enterprise Final, Thursday’s ‘Waterford, Open for Business’ seminar and Friday’s ‘Social Media Mash Up’. Hart Island, a business created and run by Nathan Sfendji of Waterpark College won the Student Enterprise County Final and will go forward to represent Waterford at the national final in Croke Park in May.
Waterford, Open for Business looked at Waterford's future in terms of work, enterprise and innovation. Facilitated by Nichola Beresford, with Gerry Duffy (Gerry Duffy Academy) as keynote speaker and some of Waterford’s best known entrepreneurs, thinkers and policy makers.
While Friday’s Social Media Mash Up was hosted by Teresanne O’ Reilly and included Ken McHugh (Lefthand Productions) as guest speaker, explaining why, now more than ever, businesses include social media as part of their business strategy.
Acting Head of Enterprise at Waterford LEO Jacqui Gaule said, “We’re delighted with the attendance and the engagement of Waterford businesses during our programme of events. Local Enterprise Week is so important for the small and medium sized businesses to get together and network, as well as learn from each other.”
“The team in the LEO put a lot of work into this year’s programme. Waterford Local Enterprise Office, as an agency tasked with assisting start-ups and small businesses to “Make it Happen”, is just part of the full range of supports provided by State Bodies and other expert third parties.”
Contact your Local Enterprise Office Waterford for their latest training programmes and events schedule on or email for access to all their training support information.