Sourcing a Product

Part 1) Defining your product - Sourcing a product by Stephen Farrell

Part 2) Where to start looking - Sourcing a product by Stephen Farrell

Part 3) Trading Companies or Manufacturers - Sourcing a product

Part 4) Distributers - Sourcing a product by Stephen Farrell

Part 5) Intellectual Property Rights - Sourcing a product by Stephen Farrell

Part 6) Getting a Quotation - Sourcing a product by Stephen Farrell

Part 7) Implications and Costs of Sourcing Abroad - Sourcing a product

Part 8) Certification - Sourcing a product by Stephen Farrell

Part 9a) Sourcing a product - Q & A - Part 9a with Stephen Farrell

Part 9b) Sourcing a product - Q & A - Part 9b with Stephen Farrell

Full Webinar - Sourcing a Product