Business Advice Clinic 14th April

14th April
3/4 hour-1hour

This remote Business Advice Clinic has been developed to assist those who are thinking about starting out in business and are at a stage where they need some direction or someone who has an existing business and needs some advice on the grants that LEO has to offer and is an opportunity to discuss your needs with a Business Advisor from LEO Westmeath Office.

This event is no longer available

This one to one session is for businesses or people based in Westmeath Geographical region

Business Advice Clinics

This remote Business Advice Clinic has been developed to assist those who are thinking about starting out in business and are at a stage where they need some direction and advice on the grants that LEO has to offer. 

Before Applying 

  1. In order to ensure the session is as beneficial as possible, it is critical that applicants include a description of the type of areas to be addressed at the business advice session
  2. This information must be included in the text box entitled 'Notes'  on the booking page
  3. It is only recommended to book this one to one after you have completed the Start Your Own Business Programme which can be booked on our website.

LEO Information Booklet showing supports available - HERE

The advice clinics are 45 minute/1 hour appointments, provided free of charge. Clinics are run on a one-to-one basis via an online platform.

The business advisor will contact business owner/clients prior to the meeting to organise the exact time of meeting.