Women in Business Networking

Just some of members benefits for Network Ireland Limerick:


Monthly speaker events: an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals at a live event but also in the virtual world. Access events mostly free of charge in your local branch and in all other branches of Network Ireland. There are 15 branches nationwide with an opportunity to engage directly with 1,000 members. Listing on National website – www.networkireland.ie

Coffee mornings: an ideal, safe space to share ideas, discuss common challenges and to learn. 

Mentoring: which provides specific expertise based on your business and personal needs. An opportunity to access our “Mentoring for Success” Programme and the opportunity to become a mentor.

Annual Businesswoman of the Year Awards: an opportunity to participate at a local level, leading to significant PR Coverage and the opportunity to progress to the National Awards.

Attend National Flagship Events: such as International Women’s Day and National Businesswoman of the Year Awards virtual events. Professional and personal development through workshops, events and A Members Moment. ‘A Members Moment’ This is an opportunity to tell fellow members a little something about you and your business philosophy!

Take 3 mins at one of our monthly virtual events to promote you and your business/company. We will feature one business at each monthly event so contact us on limerick@networkireland.ie if you would like to be included. First come first served.

Become a Network Ireland Limerick Member!