As hubs of expert advice, information and practical supports, dedicated Local Enterprise Office teams can help you manage your Brexit response through taking simple steps to prepare and protect your small business for Brexit, take a look at the 5 simple steps here
Here’s a handy guide to Brexit supports, which are available through your Local Enterprise Office.
The Brexit SME Scorecard online tool has been designed to stimulate companies into thinking about the key areas that may be impacted in their business because of Brexit and to self-assess their level of preparedness. Using the ‘Brexit Scorecard’ online tool micro and smaller businesses can self-diagnose whether they are ready for Brexit. By answering a series of questions online under six key business pillars a comprehensive report is automatically generated which serves as a prompt and discussion document for business owner / managers to consider as part of their planning for Brexit. The report provides companies with a benchmark in terms of their level of preparedness against best practice and signposts them to a range of supports, resources and information available via Local Enterprise Offices.
The Brexit SME Scorecard is a starting point to help businesses to begin preparing a strategy and ready their teams in terms of planning and shining a spotlight on some of the key operational areas that may be exposed.
You can access the Scorecard at
Please see Enterprise Ireland's website for Information for Irish Exporters to the UK
Please see Intertrade Ireland's website for information -
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