Enterprise Ireland works with entrepreneurs and business people across the full business development spectrum - from early-stage entrepreneurs, to established business owners and Irish multinational companies. Their focus is on the following:
Their priority is the achievement of export sales growth from Irish-owned companies. All their services are geared toward helping Irish companies win international sales.
Their range of services is extensive, from funding, to making introductions in key international markets.
Funding supports - a range of supports, for start-ups, expansion plans, and R&D business plans.
Export assistance - including the provision of in-market services, local market information and the facilities of our international office network.
All services are made available to clients through their Enterprise Ireland Development Adviser who acts as the primary point-of-contact for all Enterprise Ireland services.
Development Advisers have sectoral expertise and are experienced in working with companies through all stages of the business development - from start-up, to established small and medium-sized enterprises, right through to Irish international companies with the ability to achieve significant scale.
Enterprise Ireland do not work with locally traded service companies or with micro-enterprises such as sole traders. Support for these companies or individuals is available from Local Enterprise Offices. However there are a supports that are relevant to smaller enterprises including the following:
Innovation vouchers
Innovation vouchers are available from Enterprise Ireland up to the value of €5,000 to encourage companies to work with third level institutions in developing new product offerings.
see www.enterprise-ireland.ie website for more information
or the dedicated website www.innovationvouchers.ie
In conducting any research it may be worth reviewing the information section on the Enterprise Ireland website - see www.enterprise-ireland.com/infocentreclientguides
Competitive Start Fund
Throughout the year Enterprise Ireland advertise calls for applications from export focused new companies
See www.enterprise-ireland.com/en/funding-supports/Company/HPSU-Funding/ for more information