Carlow Craft and Creative Sector asked to contribute to County Crafts Strategy

Press Release for Immediate Release – 29th April 2022

Carlow Craft and Creative Sector asked to contribute to County Crafts Strategy

Carlow Craft and Creative Sector asked to contribute to County Crafts Strategy

Professionals working in the creative sector and in the field of crafts have been asked to contribute to a new County Carlow Crafts and Creative Strategy which is being developed by Carlow County Council’s Local Enterprise Office.
Speaking about supports for crafts in the county, Cathaoirleach of Carlow County Council, Cllr. Fintan Phelan said “Carlow County Council has been extremely proactive over many years in supporting our crafts and design sector. Our Local Enterprise Office facilitated the creation of the FORM Designmade in Carlow network of crafts producers and has provided invaluable support to them ever since. We are also the lead partners in CraftHub, a project which is giving crafters from Carlow the opportunity to interact with and learn from their counterparts in seven different European countries. It is only fitting that we now develop a crafts and creative strategy for Carlow which will plan the next phase of the growth of Carlow’s crafts in a strategic manner.”

A central part of the development of the Crafts and Creative Strategy is an online survey which asks professionals in the field their opinions on a number of potential priorities which could be implemented in County Carlow over the coming years.

Séamus Doran, Assistant Head of Economic Development & Enterprise with the Local Enterprise Office said “We have seen significant growth in the quality and variety of professional crafts and creative producers in Carlow over the past number of years. The Local Enterprise Office has been happy to facilitate that growth and to work in partnership with local producers. We now need to plan strategically for the further growth of the sector for the next five and more years. A strategic plan which sets out clear goals and actions will act as a motivator to everyone with an interest in this sector. However we cannot deliver a holistic crafts strategy if the people who are fundamental to it, the professional crafters of County Carlow, are centrally engaged in its content. We have developed an online survey which will be the first of a series of engagements with stakeholders as this proposed strategy takes shape. We encourage all creative and crafts professionals in Carlow to take the time to respond to this survey and to shape their crafts strategy.”

Carlow County Council’s survey for crafts professionals is now online and can be completed at Carlow Crafts & Creative Strategy Survey | Carlow County Council's Online Consultation Portal

For further information contact Séamus Doran on 086-4109079 or