Have your say on the Future Development of Carlow Town

Have your say on the Future Development of Carlow Town

2 Have your Say - Project Carlow 2040

Carlow County Council have today (24th September 2020) unveiled details of the Project Carlow 2040 Draft Masterplan for Carlow Town and are inviting submissions on the draft plan up to 26th October 2020.

Opening the consultation process, Cllr. Fergal Browne, Mayor of Carlow Municipal District said “Project Carlow 2040 is an ambitious Regeneration Strategy for Carlow Town which contains transformational and aspiring concepts for the economic, social and environmental benefit of Carlow Town and I look forward to hearing the views of the public on this plan and its proposed actions to enhance the development of Carlow Town for all”.

The strategy seeks to reinforce the critical role of the town centre as the heart of Carlow Town, providing attractive and accessible public spaces with new pedestrian linkages.  A thriving, vibrant and sustainable town centre will establish the town as a destination not just for shopping but also for tourists attracted to the unique architectural, cultural and heritage attributes of Carlow’s townscape.  This vision supports increased town centre living and increased building occupancy, which will in turn improve the wellbeing of the local economy and community life.  Key interventions are proposed that will reintegrate the River Barrow into the public realm through the development of pedestrian walkways and the development of key opportunity sites along the river.

Speaking about the strategy, Kathleen Holohan, Chief Executive with Carlow County Council said “Carlow Town has the opportunity to become a centre for education, cutting edge business and high-quality retailing and through the implementation of this Strategy and its individual elements, it is envisaged that better town centre spaces will be created which will in turn improve community life and enhance commercial activity”.  The Chief Executive continued to say, “the development of this plan has been a collaborative process with key stakeholders working with Carlow County Council and Avison Young to develop this vision guided by the elected members with input from the Carlow Town Development Forum”.

Commenting on the Draft Plan, Cllr. Tom O’Neill , Cathaoirleach with Carlow County Council said, “This plan will shape how we approach the redevelopment of Carlow Town and we want it to represent a shared vision for all members of the community therefore we invite and welcome your views and observations”.

Full details of how to make a submission can be found on www.carlow.ie.


For further information contact Kieran Comerford on 086/8252037 or via e-mail on kcomerford@carlowcoco.ie

Link to download plan

Link to consultation page. 

Editors Notes

People can give their feedback in the following ways:


You can review the plan online at: consult.carlow.ie Just register for a free account and click on the 'Make a Submission' link.


By Post

You can also give your feedback in writing. Submissions should be marked  Review of Draft Project Carlow 2040 - A Vision for Regeneration for Carlow Town  and sent by post to the following address:

Head of Enterprise , Review of Draft Project Carlow 2040 - A Vision for Regeneration for Carlow Town  , Local Enterprise Office, Carlow County Council, Athy Road, Carlow.

By E-mail

A further option is to make your submission by email to: enterprise@carlowcoco.ie

Please make your submission by 5.00pm on 26th October 2020 and by one medium only i.e. hard copy, online or by email.


In order to support groups to make submissions , a presentation can be made of the draft plan. These can be arranged by contacting Lisa Moore on 059/9129783 or via e-mail to enterprise@carlowcoco.ie. Meetings will be held via MS Teams/Zoom as requested.

Please note presentations are for information and the content or feedback receipted does not represent a submission.

Submission Deadline

Please make your submission by 5.00pm on 26th October 2020 and by one medium only i.e. hard copy / email or via the online consultation portal. Please note these submissions will be published along with your name but your contact details will not be published.