Powerhouse’ presents positive plans for female businesswomen in County Carlow.

Press Release for Immediate Release – 23rd February 2022

 ‘Powerhouse’ presents positive plans for female businesswomen in County Carlow.

‘Powerhouse’ presents positive plans for female businesswomen in County Carlow.


Following a successful pilot in 2021, ‘Powerhouse’ Carlow’s Women in Business Network has unveiled its new brand and outline of plans for 2022. Co-ordinated by Manzor Marketing, Powerhouse is an initiative of the Local Enterprise Office to encourage and support Carlow businesswomen and female owner managers through providing access to a supportive network, expert speakers and diverse peer learning opportunities with the aim of optimising their success and growth potential.


Speaking about the project , Kathleen Holohan , Chief Executive of Carlow County Council said “Now that we’ve hopefully moved beyond lockdowns and the economy is re-opening, we want to help women to come together, to learn from each other and to learn from experts about how to strengthen their business into the future and we are delighted to roll out a series of virtual and physical events in 2022 with our first event during Local Enterprise Week 2022 on 7th March 2022 live from Enterprise House”.

The 2022 programme will include a series of 6 events including a Summer BBQ networking event with an amazing panel of speakers and Winter Networking Event.


Melissa Doyle, Business Advisor (Acting) with the Local Enterprise Office said, “research has shown that Women tend to prefer a more relationship-based approach to business. In general, women take a more cautious approach to risk and prefer more fully informed decision-making, which can lead them to be more critical in assessing their own capability and can have an impact on their confidence levels”. Melissa continued to say, “these events have been designed to assist people to build networks and have a three-fold benefit”. “In the first instance they are a chance to build your network, secondly to hear from expert speakers and inspiring business leaders and thirdly a chance to form commercial synergies which will help grow your business overall”.


Co-ordinating the Networking is Jane Manzor of Manzor Marketing said, “I am delighted to be working with the Local Enterprise Office in Carlow County Council to support female businesswomen in their professional development and being an owner manager myself I have benefited from participation in these events in the past”. “I’d like to encourage people to attend our first event which is a discussion event with the inspiring Jo Browne and her story of how she turned over her first million in 2021 and Kathleen Holohan, Chief Executive, who will share her story of her journey to leadership in Local Government”.


To book a place on the event on 7th March 2022 register via the link below https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/264196477777 or call 059-9129783


Media Queries to Melissa Doyle, Business Advisor (Acting) mdoyle@carlowcoco.ie