The Avalon House Hotel, The Square, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny
An information event on Lean techniques and the benefit it can have for your business
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Lean: How to Streamline Your Processes & Purchasing Power
An information event for established businesses on the benefits of Lean
Join the Local Enterprise Office at this information seminar on March 5th in the Avalon Hotel in Castlecomer to find out how Lean can improve your business and how the Local Enterprise Office can support you in this journey. Registration starts at 8.00am with the seminar starting at 8.15am. Breakfast will be served.
What is Lean?
Lean is about being effective and efficient - doing things quicker, better, cheaper. Lean strives to stamp out waste and to continually improve.
Lean tools and techniques are helping companies across all sectors and all sections from e.g. production, business processes but also sales and financial analysis and strategy.
The techniques are used to address competitiveness issues within their businesses, building the capability of their people to identify issues and improve their operations. Lean is about being effective and efficient - doing things quicker, better, cheaper…together. Lean strives to stamp out waste and to continually improve.
Our event will commence with registration at 8am and breakfast will be served. Our panel discussion will commence at 8.15am and the event will conclude by 9.15am.
This will be panel discussion event. Our MC is Edmond Connolly , Manager, South East Regional Skills Forum (
Our panel includes:
The panel will share their experiences of the benefits of LEAN and the cost saving and benefit it can bring to your business.
Spaces are limited for this FREE Seminar, please register at
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