Kilkenny County Council Night Time Economy Diversification Grant 2024 (Call 2)

Call 2 NTE

Kilkenny County Council Night Time Economy Diversification Grant 2024 (Call 2)

Kilkenny County Council is once again seeking proposals from local businesses, community groups, event organisers, collaborators and individuals to develop projects that will support the growth and diversity of the night time economy in Kilkenny City for the autumn and winter period. The first round of the scheme was very successful with 21 organisations supported to stage nearly 80 events for June, July and August.

This fund will support applicants who wish to try new and exciting concepts between Sunday and Thursday after 6pm that can support the diversification of our night time economy. Call 2 will support events that take place between 1st September and 28th November. 

The Night Time Economy refers to the diverse social, cultural and economic activity occurring during specified evening and night time hours. It balances the needs of the inter related communities that co-exist to bring it to life and create a special sense of shared place Kilkenny City has been selected as one of nine pilot towns and cities that has prepared an action plan setting out a range of interventions to support the coordinated development of our night time economy. A key action under the Kilkenny City Night Time Economy Action Plan 2024-2025 is the establishment of a grant funding scheme to support night time activities and events. The purpose of this funding scheme is to encourage collaboration and facilitate a greater variety of offerings and experiences at night for residents, workers, and visitors.

 Link to NTE Action Plan: Action Plan hi- res.pdf.pdf (size 41.4 MB)


To Apply for Funding:

To apply for funding download the guidelines and application form below:

Call 2 app form NTE.docx (size 77.4 KB)

Call 2 guidance notes.pdf (size 276.6 KB)

Timeline of the scheme:

Call 2 opened on 8th July and the closing date for applications is 5pm on Friday 9th August. Successful applicants will be notified in mid August. All funds must be drawn down within 2 weeks of the event completion.

Completed applications must be submitted by email to Conor Sweeney, Night Time Economy Advisor, Kilkenny County Council


P: 0567794355

Features of the scheme:

  • A minimum grant of €500 and a maximum grant of €3,000 will be available to successful applicants
  • The proposed event/initiative must take place between Sunday and Thursday after 6pm in Kilkenny City
  • The proposed event (s)/initiative must take place between the dates of 1st September and 28th November
  • All events supported under the Night Time Economy Diversification fund are listed on The Kilkenny App.
  • Events which can be funded include but not limited to, late evening or night tours, live music, live DJ, dancing (performative or participatory!), exhibitions, poetry readings, comedy shows (Stand up, sketch or improvisation), theatre, film, live podcasts, storytelling, classes, wellbeing initiatives, light shows and historical themed events
  • Working with new partners is encouraged to attract new audiences and inspire new uses of existing spaces in the community for late night artists and cultural communities.
  • Applications for amounts greater than €3,000 will be considered if a multi partner application is proposed that demonstrates a unique and collaborative approach that wishes to roll out a prolonged and/or more ambitious programme of events. These will be assessed on a case by case basis in the context of available funding; additional funding is not guaranteed and the above principles apply
  • An independent assessment panel will award funding on a competitive basis; therefore, all applications submitted must be accompanied by comprehensive supporting information. If you do not provide the relevant documentation we will consider your application ineligible.
  • Grant payments will be made on the basis of paid invoices and receipts submitted along with proof of payment and only for the proposed expenditure submitted on the original application form and subsequently approved in the letter of offer. Cash payments to suppliers are not permitted.
  • All successful Grantees are also required to carry out a participant/ visitor survey. This data will help Kilkenny County Council evaluate the success of the pilot and will also help Kilkenny County Council to gain valuable insights into who is attending the late night events, in what numbers and the visitors overall experience of the events/initiative.
  • All successful Grantees will be required to fill out an evaluation questionnaire in relation to this scheme when drawing down funds. This will allow the Kilkenny County Council to evaluate the effectiveness of the funding and also to gain learnings from the pilot.
  • Programmes must be advertised locally through various channels to ensure maximum visibility. Kilkenny County Council and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media’s support must be acknowledged in public advertising. Logos will be provided to successful applicants