“Attract the right investors to your business – Debt or Equity”


Debt or Equity - Attract the Right Investors for your Business

   Enterprise Ireland’s Finance for Growth series

Date: Tuesday May 19th, 2015.

Venue: Silver Springs Moran Hotel, Cork.

Enterprise Ireland is hosting a half day workshop and networking event on “Attract the right investors to your business – Debt or Equity”. Please note there is no charge to EI Client’s for attending this event.

This workshop will focus on the available sources of funding for Irish SMEs. It will outline the necessary steps to ensure that an SME is successful in raising additional third party funding.  It will also look at the various funding options available to SME’s depending on their stage in the lifecycle and the pros and cons of the following sources of funding; venture capital, private equity, government funding, debt, equity and the bank.

The primary speaker for this workshop will be Donal O’Connell, Director at Pegasus Capital.  Donal will share his experience on what a company needs to do in order to raise either debt or equity and how they should engage with external funders such as banks.

Also speaking at the event will be:

  • Nick Ashmore, CEO of the SBCI on its role, current products and likely future offerings
  • Tom Early, Enterprise Ireland on the alternatives to banks
  • Catherine Collins, Credit Review Office

The CFO Forum provides everyone an opportunity to discuss any current issues facing their company e.g. How to access new markets, recruitment issues/costs, lean manufacturing etc. If there is a particular topic that you would like discussed amongst your peers please let us know when completing the registration form.

To register your attendance at this event, please click on the following hyperlink or copy and paste it into your browser: https://www.eventsforce.net/enterpriseireland/1475/register

Registration commences at 8.00am, the workshop will kick off at 8.30am and finish at 12.45pm.

Please follow the link for Event Agenda..Agenda.doc (size 62.5 KB)