The Economic Development Unit in Wexford County Council has been established to support both new and existing business and enterprise throughout County Wexford. The section acts as a conduit and an enabler to get help and supports in all areas from existing bodies and institutions located in the County and further a field, and will strive to make Wexford a Business friendly County for all industries.
The functions of the section include:
- Economic Promotion of the County
- Enterprise Infrastructure in the County
- Tourism Development
- Business Networking
- Research and Innovation
Elizabeth Hore
Director of Services with responsibility for Economic Development at local government headquarters, Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford. Phone: 053 919400 Email:
Breege Cosgrave
Head of Enterprise & Economic Development Tel: 053 9196023 Email:
Angela Lawless
Economic Development Officer Tel: 053 9196620 Email:
Billy Byrne
Tourism Officer Tel: 053 9196556 Email:
Adam Roche
Graduate Tel: 053 9196025 Email:
Laura Parle
Clerical Officer Tel: 053 9196555 Email: