Using AI in your Business 03/04/2024

09:30 - 12:30

This interactive workshop will help participants understand and use ChatGPT in their business.

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Using AI in your Business - 03/04/2024 

The aim of this workshop is to enable participants to utilise the functions of Chat GPT to maximise their business strategy.  Participants will be guided to:

  • Understand the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT for SME strategy
  • Identify suitable use cases for ChatGPT in strategy development processes
  • Develop strategies for integrating ChatGPT effectively into existing frameworks
  • Apply ethical considerations and responsible practices when using ChatGPT
  • Enhance interactions with ChatGPT and optimize the reliability of outputs
  • Identify and mitigate bias in ChatGPT's responses
  • Evaluate the reliability of information generated by ChatGPT
  • Establish a feedback loop for continuous improvement
  • Learn from case studies and practical exercises for practical implementation

Key outcomes/goals for participants

Within a highly collaborative and interactive workshop, you will be equipped to understand and use Chat GPT through the following topics:

1.  Introduction to ChatGPT and its capabilities 

  • Overview of ChatGPT as a language model and its potential applications
  • Explanation of how ChatGPT generates responses and understands input

2.  Benefits of using ChatGPT for SME strategy 

  • Exploring the advantages of using ChatGPT for strategic decision-making
  • Discussing how ChatGPT can assist with idea generation, problem-solving, and market analysis

3.  Understanding the limitations of ChatGPT

  • Highlighting the limitations of ChatGPT, such as biases and lack of contextual understanding
  • Educating participants about potential risks and challenges when relying solely on ChatGPT

4.  Effective integration of ChatGPT into strategy processes

  • Identifying suitable use cases for ChatGPT in SME strategy development
  • Discussing best practices for incorporating ChatGPT into existing strategy frameworks

5.  Developing ethical and responsible AI strategies

  • Addressing ethical considerations when utilizing ChatGPT in decision-making
  • Encouraging responsible usage and mitigating potential negative impacts

6.  Optimising interactions with ChatGPT

  • Providing tips and techniques to enhance interactions with ChatGPT
  • Demonstrating strategies for obtaining more accurate and useful responses

7.  Identifying and mitigating bias in ChatGPT

  • Exploring the issue of bias in AI systems and its implications for strategy
  • Offering methods to identify and address bias when working with ChatGPT

8.  Evaluating the reliability of ChatGPT outputs

  • How to critically evaluate and verify information generated by ChatGPT
  • Introducing techniques for fact-checking and cross[1]referencing information obtained

9.  Creating a feedback loop for continuous improvement 

  • Emphasising the importance of providing feedback to improve ChatGPT's performance
  • Discussing how SMEs can contribute to the development and refinement of ChatGPT

10.  Case studies and practical exercises

  • Engaging participants in hands-on exercises to apply ChatGPT to real-world strategy scenarios
  • Analysing case studies of successful and unsuccessful ChatGPT implementations in SMEs


Carla Kerr
The Entrepreneurs Academy