Leading your business through COVID-19 - Webinar
This online programme - delivered by The Entrepreneurs Academy - is designed to support owners/managers of small businesses from across all sectors. It will help you to navigate the current challenges created by COVID-19 within your business.
A pre-programme survey will be completed by each participating business. The programme will then support the key challenges and opportunities each are facing, guided by expert facilitator.
Note: for best experience, the following is recommended:
- Laptop or Desktop with a solid internet connection ..OR.. Tablet or Mobile Phone with a solid internet connection
All participants will use video for full engagement and communication with facilitator and participants.
Programme Outline
This online programme will provide both structure to your week and help you to quickly assess the situation and move forward with a greater degree of certainty, both for you and your teams. At times like this we need focus, creativity, resilience, courage and good leadership to navigate these unchartered waters.
This programme will provide a safe space and equip you with tools required to help you assess the business situation and explore creative solutions.
Over five X 2-hour live small group online sessions, which will include learning-application-breakout discussions, the leadership and business experts from The Entrepreneurs Academy will tailor the programme to focus on your specific needs addressing topics such as:
Creativity and problem solving
Scenario planning your finances
How to get really innovative
Risk assessment
Leading yourself and others well
How to stay centred and focused and keep others focused
How to maintain real connection with remote teams and clients
Navigating change with courage and positivity
Friday 10th April
Tuesday, 14th April
Friday, 17th April
Tuesday, 21st April
Thursday, 23rd April
Joanne Hession
Noel Davidson
Margaret Hoctor
Luke Robinson
Nancy Ward